Our Iberian Ham


It all started in 1930 when Miquel Andreu Barberà set up
a market stall in the Central Market of Sabadell (Barcelona). At the time, his
speciality was olives and one of the best varieties was the Manzanilla Sevillana olives.

In 1935, through Miquel Andreu’s trusted contacts in Seville’s
olive industry, he got to know one of the best experts in Ibérico de Bellota
cured meats, José Antonio Martín Romero, who was based in the province of Huelva,
specifically the town of Jabugo.

This relationship continued on through the next generation, with Pedro Martín and Manel Andreu,
and is now on its third generation, with Pedro Martín and Josep Andreu.


Our rigorous selection process is the key to the
quality of our hams.
We make every effort to seek out the best quality each season.

Our piece-by-piece selection process

We select the hams piece by piece, as not all pigs are
equal despite the fact that they’ve been raised in the same environment during the same period.
Years of experienceand satisfied customers are a testament to our good judgment during the
selection process, which ensures hams that are extraordinarily flavourful.

It’s a symbol of tradition, things done right, respect for the environment
and the highest quality. 

Natural curing, extraordinary flavours


An exclusive diet and a focus on animal welfare.
Our hams are made from pigs reared in a unique ecosystem where they’re
exclusively fed with holm oak and cork oak acorns (which give
each piece its extraordinary texture, aroma and flavour) in an atmosphere of respect for
animals and the environment. 



Silence and rest give our hams their unmistakable flavour.
We keep the entire curing process under control. As all our hams are cured
naturally,the timethis process takes may vary depending on the local climate and the
type of cellar where the hams are being cured. We have reserves in different
areas and cellars, which enables us to ensure production and choose the pieces
that have reachedtheir peak flavour.

Take care of your health, super food


Ham has great nutritional qualities, it has been
listed as one of the superfoods of the Mediterranean diet,
together with virgin olive oil extra and its consumption,
within a varied diet and balanced, it is considered healthy.
antioxidant, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides

Gluten-free and lactose-free.

Pure happiness